
As much as we love our sister state, with heavy hearts we inform you that Online Ordination in Virginia is not legally recognized.

We recommend you perform the ceremony in West Virginia, Maryland or Pennsylvania.

§ 20-23. Order authorizing ministers to perform ceremony (

§ 20-23. Order authorizing ministers to perform ceremony.

When a minister of any religious denomination produces before the circuit court of any county or city in the Commonwealth, or before the judge of such court or before the clerk of such court at any time, proof of his ordination and of his being in regular communion with the religious society of which he is a reputed member, or proof that he is commissioned to pastoral ministry or holds a local minister’s license and is serving as a regularly appointed pastor in his denomination, such court, or the judge thereof, or the clerk of such court at any time, may make an order authorizing such minister to celebrate the rites of matrimony in the Commonwealth. Any order made under this section may be rescinded at any time by the court or by the judge thereof. No oath shall be required of a minister authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony, nor shall such minister be considered an officer of the Commonwealth by virtue of such authorization.”

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