Our Supporters

Feel the Love and Compassion: Cibus Mission Charity, Empowered by Our Dedicated Volunteers and Supporters!

Whether it is working with others in volunteer events or serving the community through providing Meals, filling Blessing Boxes, providing emergency Cibus Boxes filled with hygiene products, food, diapers and toys, or inspiring the Youth through our Youth Garden Program, we are here serving the community and working together as one! As they say it takes a village and we are on a mission! The Cibus Mission, where we believe in sustenance for all at a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. As such we try to connect with all who we meet! So if you are looking for charities to donate to, look no further, with Cibus Mission you will see every dollar go right back to the community of Maryland and surrounding West Virginia and Pennsylvania and expand and grow as we grow our organization. Thanks to donations from supporters like you, we’ve been able to provide over 15000 food donations, over 500 meals, 6 emergency Cibus boxes and about 100 flowers to our fallen soldiers for Memorial Day, and we keep giving, thanks to our 100% volunteer team, our main expenses are utilities (for cooking and storage (and transportation (for taking items to the different blessing boxes and families).


#StuckInPringles #foodpantry #blessingbox #freefood I’m not sure if #spreadhope together is an actual organization or just a cool name. but I like the message.

♬ Made You Look (Pringles) – Meghan Trainor

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