Feel the Love and Compassion: Cibus Mission Charity, Empowered by Our Dedicated Volunteers and Supporters!

Feel the Love & Compassion: Cibus Mission Charity, Empowerd by our Dedicated Volunteers & Supporters

Our Youth Urban Farm Launching 2025
Helping Veterans in Emergencies through our Supporters like Chad Beadles from Beadles Comedy Tour
Naturalization English Classes online through Eventbrite
Naturalization English Classes online through Eventbrite
Working with Volunteers to distribute over 200 hygiene kits. Please Select Image to Fill out Volunteer Form! Virtual or In-person options available!
Blessing Box located near the Womens & Children's Shelter
Emergency Veteran Box
Emergency Veteran Box

Whether it is working with others in volunteer events or serving the community through providing Meals,  cooking and storage (and transportation (for taking items to the different blessing boxes and families). Cibus Mission works with the community to make the lives of the people we serve a little better!

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